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Open ground growing

An important sector of our production is represented by this tecnique, which takes advantage of the fertility of the soil of the plain of Pistoia.

Today more than 50% of our surface are cultivated in the ground. Compared to the past we have modernized the whole production process, with the use of modern agricultural machinery, increased the distance between rpws, implemented a multi years program of transplants, applying scupulously all cultivation tecniques required by each variety in cultivation.

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bordurina erba
The vocation is the landscape

Open ground growing

coltivazione in piena terra2 7bb53d52
coltivazione in piena terra1 51098dda
coltivazione in piena terra7 0470ecca
coltivazione in piena terra6 ab347e8d
coltivazione in piena terra4 2ecc5c42
coltivazione in piena terra3 d4f1af15